Thursday, March 6, 2008

Moving Out!

I had the most marvelous week last week when I was given five days to move out of my apartment! My room mate decided to make a deal with a marketer from Realty Excelsior, whom i have now grown to strongly dislike. I met the guy a few weeks ago and he asked me if i wanted to be in a Bollywood film. Who could turn down a bolly? i was extremely excited to be in a movie ... up until a last week when i asked this guy about it and he not only told me that he gave the role to another girl but that he wanted to sell my 6-month old apartment to someone else! Asshole. Anyway...... at least now i have discovered that uni, work, and moving out don't mix. By the end of the week i had missed two uni classes and i found out how little sleep does absolutely nothing for my complexion.
I really needed to get this marketer back for making my life a living hell. All week i was scheming away and i finally did something on Tuesday. I parked in the guy's parking spot in the garage downstairs even though he has multiple signs up warning residents not to. Tuesday evening, i get a knock on the door, and guess who it is? Mr Realty Excelsior Marketer ADVISING me not to park in his spot again. I smiled mischeveously at him and said, "sure, not a problem" and then shut the door in his face. It was a small triumph, but a triumph nonetheless.


kukutea said...

yes``` i know````
i can know ur feel actually```

i hate moving```so tried````

kukutea said...

go and see the photos about our classmates in my blog~:P

adyt said...

stephie doodles.
fear not!
you can be in my bollywood movie beautifly!!
but wait you need an indian name thats gotta be 5 words long and you need to know how to make zee butter chicken!and the moving all your body parts to tunes that are all over the place.
and only then.
only then.
will you be casted opposite another bollystar wannabe aussie.
the ever willing.
brett lee.