Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Ocean

Your eyes to me are like diamonds,
They tricked me, seduced me to play.
I didn't know then, that i couldn't afford them,
Now i'm drowning, can't help it, please stay.

My sea is swelling, no use in yelling,
The dept in my soul, its arranged.
For i have to pay, but i don't have the money,
My soul has no choice, i'm engaged.

And all for the sin of our skin, in a one-night inn-
It sealed the contract of your twinkling eyes.
Those eyes seduced me, your mind, it threw me,
I'm drowning, can't help it, please stay.

My armageddon, it's coming,
The Devil, he's near,
Your breath is stirring the lairs of my mind.
I'm drowning in a concept of diamonds,
My thoughts are converging,
Lost in the labrynth of my head.
My sea is swelling, those concepts are dwelling,
I'm drowning, can't help it, please stay.

I remember the way,
Your stare, it burnt my face.
You glazed into my avalance,
And it tumbled away for you.

But it's all in my head, don't forget.
It's my bead, my diamonds, my dreams and my eyes.
I see what I see and that brings me to be,
In a sea of your twinkling eyes.

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